Fintech Propel: Take your growth to the next level

Going from start-up to a scaled, sustainable fintech leader takes more than disruption. It takes connection with your customers too. We’ll work with you to identify and deliver transformative communications, propelling your growth and driving lasting value.

Agile support at every step

Whether it’s attracting early tech evangelists or achieving mass adoption, we can help. Our approach is media-neutral, insight and metrics led, delivering a communications strategy that’s designed to accelerate your business right through the adoption curve, attract funding and grow market share. 

See what we did for OSB


We connect your brand to early adopters, building you a clear communications framework.

  • Social media set-up and community management
  • Influencer identification
  • Cross-channel profile activation
  • Narrowcast installation
See what we did for Moneymailme

Series A

Our integrated team help you effectively accelerate to the next stage of growth.

  • Proposition testing and brand development
  • Influencer marketing
  • Crisis preparedness
  • Integrated communications strategy
  • Content and thought leadership strategy
See what we did for Landbay

Series B

We create broader, deeper connections with the audiences you need to scale up.

  • In-depth audience insight
  • Always-on campaigning
  • Proactive community building
  • Global multi-market communications
  • International stakeholder relations
See what we did for Trussle

Series C

Using our connections and creativity, we can support your transition to a successful IPO.

  • Multi-market communications
  • Corporate profiling
  • Stakeholder management
  • Brand on boarding
See what we did for OSB

Our thoughts on fintech

Tue 29 Sep 2020

The Rise and Rise of Open Banking

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Fintech, app, phone, card

Tue 8 May 2018

Revolut joins the unicorn club

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Thu 2 Aug 2018

UK hits the fintech top spot

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